II. Kecerdasan Genius


Testimoni Genius

Terima kasih untuk bergabung dengan newsletter saya. Anda telah membuat pilihan yang hebat karena saya akan mengajarkan anda dasar-dasar bagaimana mencapai IQ APAPUN yang Anda inginkan.

Saya ingin memulai dengan mengatakan anda sesuatu yang penting yang telah menjadi kebenaran besar dalam hidup saya:

Masyarakat penuh kebohongan.  Ya itu sedih benar. Masyarakat ingin mengajar dan menjaga kita NORMAL, berpikir bahwa Anda CANT mencapai ini atau itu, bahwa Anda tidak dapat memiliki nilai A, PhD atau apa pun. Sedangkan ANDA DI ALAM KEBENARAN adalah menjadi luar biasa, sempurna, ekspansif dan A GENIUS.

Dan ini kebohongan yang telah terinfeksi masyarakat kita yang menghentikan jutaan orang, seperti Anda, dari tingginya mencapai intelektual yang mereka sangat berhak layak.

Hanya berpikir sejenak …. orang di sekolah dengan nilai A dan Harvard derajat … apa yang dia lakukan untuk layak-Nya yang mengagumkan kecerdasan? Dan berpikir sama juga tentang orang yang bekerja sangat keras, hanya berakhir dengan nilai dan EEF putus kuliah … apa yang dia lakukan untuk layak itu?!? Mereka mungkin berdua bekerja sama kerasnya, dan salah satu EVERYTHING GOT ON A PLATE dan yang lainnya harus bekerja untuk itu!!

Little melakukan itu orang miskin yang putus kuliah menyadari bahwa GENIUS beristirahat dalam dirinya, dan ia sama dengan orang lain mampu seperti awesome mencapai prestasi intelektual. Dia hanya tidak tahu bagaimana karena masyarakat mengatakan dia tidak bisa melakukannya!

Tapi akhirnya, masyarakat kebohongan akan dihancurkan. Hari ini adalah awal baru di mana ANDA akan diajarkan rahasia kecerdasan dan IQ jenius meningkat.

Jadi seberapa pintar Anda benar-benar ingin menjadi apa? IQ 130? 150? 170? 190? Nah untuk menjawab itu, Anda akan perlu mengetahui di mana IQ Anda pada saat ini. Lihat diagram di bawah ini dan melihat di mana Anda berada di. Ini merinci MINIMUM TIPIKAL IQ berbagai profesi (jelas ini generalisasi untuk memberikan gambaran kasar)

Cacat mental Individu (IQ 70 -)

Upah Minimum pekerja

80 —

Degree siswa / High Street pekerja / tukang ledeng / penata rambut


Master siswa / Manager / Wartawan / Akuntan / Profesional

120 +

PhD Student / Ivy League Siswa / CEO 130 +

Universitas Profesor / Perdana Menteri / Berbakat Individual

140 +

Pemenang Nobel / Catur Grandmaster 150 +

Rhodes Scholar / Angkatan Darat Jenderal

160 +

Genius 170 +

Sekarang, katakanlah misalnya anda memiliki IQ yang bang di 100.

“The Complete Guide to Genius” akan mengajarkan anda bagaimana

meningkatkan IQ untuk mencapai 180 tanda di sekitar 4

bulan. IQ lain:

(Dimulai IQ) Perkiraan Waktu untuk Mencapai IQ dari 180

100 4 bulan

110 3,5 bulan

120 3 bulan

130 2,5 bulan

140 2 bulan

150 1,5 bulan

160 1 bulan


Dan itu bahkan tidak mempertimbangkan harmonic The GeniusIntelligence Brain Increaser IQ Audio yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mencapai IQ dari 160 pasif.

Namun, itu semua untuk nanti. Sementara itu, saya akan mengajarkan Anda teknik yang sangat CEPAT yang akan memberikan poin meningkatkan IQ 5-15.

Teknik ini akan diajarkan kepada Anda dan  Anda akan menemukan koleksi teknik dan rahasia kecil yang menawarkan sekilas singkat ke dalam penelitian dan usaha yang telah pergi ke menciptakan peningkatan kecerdasan utama kita panduan. Artikel adalah tentang meningkatkan IQ, pikiran, kekuasaan dalam mencapai kecerdasan jenius.

Terima kasih untuk berlangganan newsletter tips meningkatkan IQ

Kecerdasan Genius (Genius Intelegence)

Bagaimana anda bisa meningkatkan intelegensi menjadi seorang genius bukan hanya mimpi melainkan sebuah kenyataan.

Benarkah ada rahasia genius? Memang benar, jika saya tidak melakukan tidak kupercaya. Satu-satunya alasan saya mencoba meningkatkan kecerdasan bahwa semua orang yang saya tahu sangat jauh lebih cerdas daripada yang kumiliki.

Berikut ini sebuah kisah nyata sebagai pengalaman pribadiku:

Pada suatu saat dalam kehidupanku. Saya adalah seorang yang bodoh sederhana dan lugu. Saya tidak mempunyai pekerjaan, tidak mempunyai uang, tidak bisa memikirkan masa depanku sampai pada akhir pendidikanku di SMU sementara orang-oranag yang lain memperdiapkan masuk perguruan tinggi. IQ saya hanya 87 dan saya tidak berpikir untuk bisa lulus ujianku di SMU, oleh karena itu sesuatu secara tiba-tiba terjadi yang bisa mengakibatkan kewarasanku hilang. Berbulan-bulan saya benturkan kepalaku ke dinding sambil mencoba mencari solusi masalah pribadiku akhirnya sampai kutemukan jawaban yang benar-benar bisa mengubah hidup saya. Dalam 3 bulan daya ingatan, konsentrasi, belajar, pemahaman, intuisi dan kemampuan secara menyeluruh meningkat drastis sehingga dalam diriku telah melewati sebuah ujian yang membuat semuanya menjadi cerah pada akhirnya. Selanjutnya 6 bulan kemudian saya dapat melakukan perhitungan yang sangat rumit sebagai suatu ide genius, semua ini berkat 3 langkah sistem meningkatkan kecerdasan saya dengan cara sederhana yang kulakukan. Masih ingat dalam pikiranku saat saya menjelaskan ke teman-temanku pertama kalinya, justeru mereka mentertawakan saya dan salah satu dari mereka mengatakan bahwa “kecerdasanmu adalah sebuah genetik dan tidak ada yang dapat kamu lakukan, terima sajalah nasibmu memang seperti itu, siapa yang percaya sih?

Tetapi pada akhirnya terbukti saya bisa tertawa atas prestasi akademik dari universitas bertaraf internasional. Saya menulis buku atas pengalaman pribadiku dalam sebuah penelitian mengenai masalah fungsi otak sehingga berhasil memperoleh penghargaan internasional. Pada tahun 2004 secara resmi saya menjalani tes IQ menggunakan berbagai peralatan EEG scan IQ saya meningkat menjadi 170.

Nah bagaimanapun pengalaman ini akan membantu anda yang berminat ingin meningkatkan kecerdasan melalui 3 langkah yang membawaku dari ambang keterbelakangan mental sampai mencapai tingkat prestasi intelektual tertinggi. Saya akan mengungkapkan rahasia ini kepada anda secara sederkana, mudah sistematis dan sepenuhnya dalam kendali anda. Semoga kecerdasan anda akan meningkat secara drastis dengan sendirinya dalam semua langkah kehidupan anda setelah menggunakan langkah demi langkah sederhana ini.


Below you will find some comments which others have left for us.  You can download some of these screenshots (3mb) and view them all together should you wish.

Each testimonial is unedited in grammar and layout to give the most original feel, and some text has been deleted to protect the privacy of our customers. Testimonials are in no set order for the sake of variety.

Finally, each testimonial also comes with a screenshot of the original e-mail sent to us.



My name is John and I was encouraged to leave you guys a testimonial regarding your “complete guide to genius” ebook. I got it about a year ago and have been using it on and off over the months. I finally decided to commit to it, and have been using it consistently for the last 4-5 months now. I have to admit that I was sceptical about the claims at first because I didn‘t think intelligence increase was possible, but I’m glad you proved me 100% wrong.

I’ve been using your 180 IQ + creation tool, been taking the supplements, being 100% consistent, and living my life like you suggested. I was absolutely determined to get the IQ I thought I was worthy of regardless of what other people thought or did.

my IQ is now 168, and this was from a starting point of 132 only 5-6 months ago. my memory is superb, my creativity has shot up, and I love just soaking information up like a sponge.

my advice to anyone who is sceptical would be this: know what you are worth. these guys at GeniusIntelligence are here to help, and as long as you have the drive to get what you want (which they also teach) you will get the intelligence you deserve.

Left 3rd January 2008. Click here for proof.



1. Can I use the brain harmonics without headphones?

2. Which supplement is crucial for increasing in dendritic complexity? (choline?)

Thank you in advance! So far I’ve increased my IQ from 122 to 145, thanks to you!

Left 10th August 2009, Click here for proof.


Hi. Not sure why my previous two messages <deleted> but I have something else I wanted to talk about.

As I progress through my training, my understanding of the techniques grows and I’m even more blown away by the <deleted>.

Its powerful, complex but there’s also an underlying simplicity to it too. And for some reason, until now, I’ve spent almost five months totally oblivious to the idea that <deleted> with the eyes open could give that technique yet another layer of depth. But not only have I become even more appreciative of the fact that your techniques have scary potential, I’ve also begun to realize the staggering amount of misinformation on IQ and intelligence (and as they relate to genetics) propagated by so called authorities on the subject. I’m really furious and annoyed with academic literature on the subject which misled me for years. Your techniques utterly annihilate quite a few of the more controversial “findings” on things like race/sex/ethnicity and intelligence. (the idea of fixed intelligence is something I’m sure a good many people preferred was true.)  That’s not to say that gaps between the races etc don’t exist, but your techniques shatter the idea that such gaps are an unavoidable result of genetics and they can’t be eliminated.

Anyways, just want to say that your ebook has totally changed the way I think about my life now. A couple of months ago, I was very depressed and full of self pity, but as I started to feel the benefits of your techniques, I’ve developed a strong drive and new ambitions. So thank you for that, I really don’t know what state I would be in if I did not possess a tool that provided me with an opportunity to improve my quality of life.

Left 5th August 2009. Click here for proof



I thought Id say a couple of words about your genius guide: I thought it would

be for loser but boy….was I wrong! GREAT WORK! I cant to show off my brains

when I get back to college. my concentration is up, my memory is up, Im taking

in EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING at super sonic speed.

thank you so much for making your guide…..you guys are <deleted> brilliant!


Left 17th December 2006. Click here for proof.


Hi Sirs and Madames !!!

Thank you very very much for your truly great wisdom shared with us!!!

You are absolutely sooo right about the truth of <deleted>

So many had not seen this wisdom and I’m glad that you made me realize this!!!

You are truly great people!!!

I wish you more and more blessing and bliss!!!


Josh Deus

Left January 10th 2008. Click here for proof.



I was reading your guide with very much pleasure. Its like a guide for fun and happy life, just great. Its also a little spooky, like a rebirth somehow once you can lose the conventional sight of life!

I will take the first steps now and keep you informed…..


Please just answer when you got the time for, I can imagine that Im not the only one who writes to you.

Thanks and all the best



Left  11th December, 2007. Click here for proof.


hi again, just a quick message from Germany….

My IQ increased from 113 to 178 in 6 months of hard work. I really can’t thank you enough for this! But thank you!

You can use my details in a testimonial should you wish.

With best wishes


Left 8th October 2005. Click here for proof.



Thank You So Much!

Your wisdom, kindness and sincerity are in abundance. Your Teacher of My Teacher must be Very Proud. As Always, You are Wise beyond Your Years and Forever Helpful to others. Thank You so much for Being a Blessing to and for Me. I will work harder with more confidence to clear and free up my mind and it’s advanced abilities deeper into the Light!

I will train myself with Your help to use <deleted> in precise complete detail. Seeing everything completely in as Real and Clear Detail as Reality until <deleted>. And So It Is!

Sincerely Your Student, Charles David Murphy

Left 17th January, 2008. Click here for proof.



I’d just like to say your guide is excellent. Ive been using it for about 3

months now and have already improved my IQ. Thank you very much for all your


M. Black

Left 22th September, 2005. Click here for proof.


Greeting to you all,

I truelly appreciate your time and courage in making me

understand certian principles of effective learning

and how well I can achieve my peak potential in being

A Genius.

I would not want to limit myself by being specific

about definite areas of knowledge i.e, my want and


What I would say is that, I love the art of learning

and I am glad that people like you are on the other

side of life, energising us with inspirational tips

and countless examples from the past we never even

dreamed of; and that we can be that what we want to be

only and only if we employ the right too…..

E. Nyankoon. Left 7th March 2008. Click here for proof.


I have increased my IQ by 10 points using the <deleted> technique for 2 weeks

Sam Little.

Left 13th May, 2008. Click here for proof.


I started <deleted> in the second week of March this year (I have not used any other techniques). Since June 15th, I’ve been training with the advanced technique <deleted>.

As of July 9th, my IQ was 139. I’ve charted my progress and I seem to be gaining about 5-6 IQ points per month.

After each month of <deleted> I’ve discovered some new or improved ability. From March to early July, I noticed improved math ability, reasoning skills, wit and creativity, and memory. But around the second week of July, I began to notice that I was recalling things in images. I assumed that this was simply an onset of photographic ability. 4-6 weeks later, I started to notice the other symptoms I spoke about. I had started dreaming more frequently after the first few weeks of <deleted>, but now I dream every time I sleep. Even for one hour naps. The dreams are vivid and are quite thorough (which they seldom were before)

John. Left 20th August 2009. Click here for proof.


your information is much more deeper than the inventor of image streaming Mr. Win Wenger

and I appreciate all of you in your team!

thanks a lot.

Ryan Lee

Left 16th January, 2008. Click here for proof.


Thank you very much for “The Complete Guide to Genius”. It’s really excellent and I am enjoying the exercises.

I have two questions:


Thanks again for the excellent information and structure in the guide.

Warmest Regards

Sean Cook

Left 19th December, 2007. Click here for proof.



I wanted to give some feedback about your product.

Your guide reveals perspicacity, deep understanding and genuine commitment to

the well-being of others. For that I congratulate you.

all the best

B. Okhai

Left 5th October 2005. Click here for proof.



My IQ is now officially 170!

It happened so quickly!

First I had an IQ of 130, and now I have 170 in only 2.5 months!

My head feels like a Hard Drive with infinite Yottabytes!

I love you!

Left 21st November, 2007. Click here for proof.


the information is awesome. I have notice my perception is getting keener

John Madison

Left 29th August 2007. Click here for proof.



I bought your product and I have to say, I am quite enjoying it. You seem to know what you are talking about and have a genuine interest in improving the minds of the many.

I appreciate your help very much.



Left 16th August, 2007. Click here for proof.


Hi this is tom hunter from dallas, u.s.a

I’ve just finished reading your guide and I have to say that its spot on in

regards the nutrition advice. I’m a researcher in this field and your advice is

very up to date with our current research efforts.

So far, everything in the guide seems to be excellent material and I’m looking

forward to using the techniques.



Left 26th October 2006. Click here for proof.


I was committed to checking my email daily, just to read your emails. So why did you stop?

I had an IQ of 135 two months ago, now, I have a 144! I’m really please with this. Though it does not mean that I am satisfied with it, I’m not until it’s 250 and above! I know it’s possible,

Hope that encourages you to resume emailing me…

Left 18th November 2008. Click here for proof.


As a successful academic myself, you e-book came as a pleasant surprise. As

far as I know, everything which you purport is accurate and seems the logical

course of action which one should follow in order to increase



G. Geddes

Left 24th September, 2005. Click here for proof.


I’d just like to say that your guide helped me so much to get into Princeton.

Thank you very very much and God Bless You.



Left 6th April, 2007. Click here for proof.



thanks for your feedback

this guide you have given is very clear and concise.

I will be teaching your m ethods to my children to help them in their



S. Ramachandrapan

Left 24th March, 2006. Click here for proof.


..well, to start it I have used your complete guide to genius book for 2 weeks and I did over 6 top IQ tests and well, I didn’t believe my eyes. I increased my IQ by 30 points in only 2 weeks! it is now 140!!!

Ali Bouliyan

Left 29th June, 2008. Click here for proof.


thank you!

It is an honor that on behalf of your teaching I have felt a boost in my intelligence. I wanted to

share this to my other folks. I hope there is a free download of the harmonic to the IQ.

thank you very much and God bless for the on going products and online lessons

A. Ibalio

Left 20th February, 2008. Click here for proof.


Hi there   !

How am I today?  For a change I’m wide awake and open to learning and doing   !!!

The articles you included at the end of your email are excellent……


Left 19th February 2008. Click here for proof.


To Whom It May Concern,

Just a note of sincere thanks to those responsible for helping me recover my lost/forgotten password so promptly. Your responsiveness should be a model for all.

Thanks Much

Robert Creegan

Left 11th March, 2008. Click here for proof.



At first I must say thanks, thank you 4 everything you’ve changed my life.

your product is awesome, every page, every line is adorable…..<deletions>

Amin R,

Left 3rd April 2008. Click here for proof.


hey, how are you doing genius folks?

I just wanted to give you guys a big thank you, thank you.

My life has changed completely since I started using your

guide. Im glad I bought your product!

good luck to all you guys in your aims


O. Johansson

Left 16th February, 2007. Click here for proof.


Thanks heaps.

I read threw it and wow.

Can’t wait to read more!

Thanks again,


Left 14th February, 2008. Click here for proof.



This is <deleted> your trainee.

The <deleted> is working. When I <deleted> something moves inside my head is like a force and my mind has started to change. I am able to understand things fast and I want you to help me increase my IQ fast because I am gong to write CTA examinations on the 25 September 2008 to 3 October 2008.I did not pass the tests that I wrote but I believe that if you can teach me more techniques my IQ will increase and I will be able to pass the examinations.

Left 14 August 2008. Click here for proof.



Than you so much for all the mails you sent to me on increasing my IQ. I appreciate, thanks so much

Left 15 October 2008, Click here for proof


hi, first of all I would like to thank you guys for an excellent well written ebook stuffed with incredible information…

best wishes <deleted> from Sweden.

Left 16th November 2008, Click here for proof.


Dear Friend

Im a very satisfied customer and need a bit of information. I know about the big potential of your guide and want to thank you for your great work. I now work with it for about 1.5 year what helped me to heighten my IQ for about 20 points. I go to college again, what means I want to go on with the progress. I take the supplements you propose and work with your audio almost every day for minimum 20 mins. <deleted>

Best regards. And thanks for the big hit with your guide!

Left 28 October 2008. Click here for proof


My beloved.

All I have to say is thanks for this great work of yours. I really appreciate God for bringing me to your door-step at this point in time.


Dr Parker.

Left 31st October 2008. Click here for proof



I have read the book in the past and I downloaded the updated version for the free bonuses which are definitely worth the price. Thanks!

Anyways I wanted to ask <deleted>

Thanks again.

Left August 4th 2008, Click here for proof.


Hello, I increased my IQ from 122 to 145, and I’ve kept going! Thank you, your guide is one of a kind! I have a question – <deleted>

Thank you!

A. Cougar

Left 3rd July 2009, Click here for proof


You have to write another book, because the techniques of the first are amazing. People told me it was just a scam, a fraude; it is not! Actually it works too well.

Ill be thanking you for all my life.

Gabriel Roman Souza

Left August 4th, 2009. Click here for proof


Hello all, I was reading your Complete guide to genius ebook and there was text <deleted>

P.S your guide is brilliant! You all rock!

Left  . Click here for proof


Hi guys

I have been using your guide for around two months now. I was enjoying the mental ecstasy it brings me after every <deleted> session. If I should become become a genius in the future and reach the level of IQ I wanted, can I stop the audio increaser and my level of intelligence be sustained just by the advanced techniques using <deleted>?

P.S By the way I do <deleted> whilst [using] the audio increaser for 6 days a week.


Michael Genovana

Left 21st August, 2009. Click here for proof


There’s no doubt that there has been a marked increase in my overall intelligence. I went into this with an intelligence in the range of a standard deviation below the mean. I had difficulty with comprehension of basic concepts, reading, writing and arithmetic.

In the couple of weeks since, every aspect of my life has changed. I’m absorbing information and learning new things like a sponge. I’m learning french, german, spanish, and can already speak, read, and write in all three of these languages well enough to get by. Where previously I struggled with the basic concepts of arithmetic, I’m now wading my way through Calculus and Trigonometry. I’ve discovered a particular joy in unravelling the mysteries of physics. As of late I’ve been studying electricity and magnetism, but I hope to progress to more advanced and modern topics (relativity, quantum mechanics, and eventually things like string theory and membrane theory) in due time.

Sometimes when I’m reading a book, I’ll close my eyes and the whole page will come to me like a picture.

I have no problem handling large numbers in my head and sometimes I find myself staring out the window manipulating and rearranging vast arrays of equations in my mind. Sometimes for no reason other than to unravel a particularly sticky intricacy of higher dimensions. (linear system representations of them anyways)

I’ve never touched a piano in my life. I picked that up especially quickly and am working on a concerto of my own. My friend (who is a piano teacher) told me I play with the technical virtuosity of a master. And I’ve never touched or considered the piano at any point in my life up until a week and half ago.

I’ve had my intelligence tested by several different agencies in the past four days and my intelligence has ranged roughly evenly distributed over 4 to 5 standard deviations above the mean (160 to 175 IQ).

I feel I can reach even greater intellectual heights.

<deleted> I’m working on something that may solve the problem of lack of oxygen flow to the brain. My solution will require nano-scale fabrication though and technology in that department may have a few years to go before it catches up with the theory I am developing.

I’m terribly interested in how any of this was possible. I have clear memories of myself before I started your program. I wasn’t technically “mentally challenged” (to borrow from the modern euphemisms of educational jargon in this topic) but I was close to that range. I struggled with understanding simple topics and could hardly focus on the simplest of ideas for more than a few seconds.

Now I feel I’m one of the smartest people alive. And what bugs me the most is I truly don’t understand how you did it. Your methods are complex and subtle and I hope to understand and maybe someday improve on them.

Left Wednesday 23rd October 2008. Click here for proof part 1, part 2


Thank you for viewing our testimonials

As seen in

Q. How is intelligence increase possible?

A. Your intelligence is determined by the complexity of your brain’s neuronal and glial cell connections. These connections are not fixed because your brain as an organ is always adapting and changing its structure depending on the stimuli you provide it. To increase intelligence is therefore a matter of targeting specific brain processes so that the structural density of your neuronal network is systematically increased.

Q. How long will it take me to increase my intelligence using your guide?

A. You should notice significant improvements within 2-3 weeks of using the program. If you wish to pursue the higher levels of intelligence, you will begin to reach the genius IQ levels after 4-6 months of consistent use. This IQ increase will take place systematically and over the period of time stated. You can just as easily stop using the course half way and get an IQ of 140-150 instead which is ideal for most of life’s challenges.

Q. How effective is the brain harmonics IQ increaser audio bonus?

A. It is extremely effective as it is a passive way to increase intelligence with minimal effort. Your IQ will increase gradually to 160 over 3-4 months of use. The most immediate noticeable effect will be the increase in concentration. The audio can also be added to your mp3 player so you can listen to it on the move.

Q. How effective is the brain harmonics material manifestation audio?

A. It is extremely effective to create opportunities for wealth. Some users have reported income increases of  around $50-60k within 6 months. For this reason, we have made it available as an introductory offer to help others but it is likely to be removed at a future date.

Q. Is the format of The Complete Guide To Genius™ the same as that for the Articles Database?

A. No. The format of The Complete Guide To Genius™ is completely different because it is an e-book as opposed to a collection of articles. The format has been structured so that the guide operates in a step-by-step fashion with simple English and clear diagrams. The articles database is merely there to act as a taster and introduction. The Articles Database can be accessed here.

Q. Do you have any additional testimonials?

A. Yes. We have a huge list of testimonials which is constantly growing. You can view some of our best (with screenshot proof) by clicking here.

Q. Okay, I accept that intelligence increase is possible, but how is genius possible?

A. Becoming a genius is easy when you understand the true depth of power which your brain really has. Consider this: it is a fact that the human brain processes 400 billion items of information per second (400,000,000,000/sec), of which approximately only 2000 items can be displayed within conscious awareness. This means we can only hold in consciousness only 0.0000005% of the information that our brain is processing every second! This is a virtually unknown fact. The other 99.9999995% which we do not see is being processed and held in the subconscious mind. With this awesome level of information at hand, to create genius is simply a matter of increasing the link with the subconscious mind where all the information is. This is achieved through specific techniques which allow the subconscious to be fully penetrated.

Q. What are the main benefits of “The Complete Guide To Genius™”?

A. It is the only guide in the history of human civilisation that teaches you exactly how to increase your intelligence and become a genius. Every single factor which can influence and increase intelligence is considered and explained in great depth, so you know exactly where you need to make changes to increase your IQ. The techniques and systems are also fun to use, and will complement any lifestyle perfectly. Users of the guide always comment on how the information is “spooky” because they were unaware as to how much mental power they really had.

Q. Will I be able to download my own copy of the guide?

A. Yes. Once your order has been accepted you will immediately be transferred to the online download page, giving you complete access to the guide and the bonus products worth over $1700. You can also download the guide and bonuses on to your computer for future viewing.  A postal address is required on the order page for security reasons only so there is no physical shipment of the guide.

Q. What are the aims of GeniusIntelligence.com?

A. Our central aim is to create a better reality and life for those that want to improve themselves as much as possible. This site will save against years of hassle and frustration by allowing you to fulfil your dreams, achieve your life ambitions and live your hobbies. It is only for the open-minded and truthful.

Q. How safe is it to purchase your product online?

100% safe! Our merchant processors, PayPal and Paydotcom are the premier choice to accept orders throughout the world. They both have an excellent track record of safety and security with PayPal alone having over 150 million account holders worldwide. The whole process is co-ordinated by Paydotcom and payments themselves are processed by PayPal’s world famous merchant process. Using the latest encrypting technology ensures your details are safe and secure at all times.

Q. Do you have a book/CD/DVD form of your products?

A. Unfortunately not, but we are working on publishing our various books in bookstores throughout the world. We will keep you posted on our developments via our website.

The Genius Intelligence Article Database

The articles below are constantly being updated so please come back regularly to view new articles. They are intended for all students and teachers who wish to increase their intelligence and mind power to whatever level they desire.  Please note: all article links are not contained on this page for the sake of neatness, so comprehensive lists can be found by clicking the appropriate signposted links.

These articles are best viewed in Internet Explorer.


Articles – Minor Ways To Increase IQ

These articles provide minor and basic techniques to increase intelligence directly. The major techniques are included in The Complete Guide To Genius:

Nutritional Modifications To Boost IQ
Minor Behavioral Modifications To Boost IQ
Mental Modifications To Boost Brainpower
Physical Exercise To Increase Brainpower
Quick Ways To Get Smarter
Six Habits To Boost Creativity

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind
Why You Should Increase IQ


Articles – To Boost Mind Power

These articles are geared towards those who wish to create a better mind through better practises. They contain tips to increase intelligence through mindset modifications and other unconventional means:

Affirmations To Re-Program Your Mind
Book Types To Boost Creativity
Boost The Brains Of Your Employees
Boost Your Concentration And Focus
Brain Harmonics
Calming Emotions For Mental Clarity
Eight Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Live A Better Life

How To Boost Your Brainpower Through Writing
How To BrainStorm Effectively
How To Generate New Ideas
How To Have An Open Mind
How To Keep Mentally Fit As You Age
How To Keep Motivated Towards Your Goals
How To Study Effectively
Lifestyle Changes To Make
Mental Training
Nine Easy Peasy Ways To Improve Memory
Speed Reading
Subliminals To Change Your Life
Take On Someone Elses Mindset
Unconventional Ways To Boost Concentration

Articles – To Become A Genius
Click here to view a comprehensive list of all articles in this section)

These articles are designed to help you become a Universal Genius. This is the largest section in our database and contains life changing information.

Achieve Mastery For Genius
Believing Is Seeing
Clear Thinking To Become A Genius
Deep Thought Experiments
Develop Your Imagination
Einstein’s Intelligence Increasing Routine
Form New Habits
Giving To Receive
Idea Generation In Commerce
Law Of Reflection
Leonardo Da Vinci Secrets
Powerful Ways To Sharpen Your Focus
Quantum Superposition And Reality
Reality Is A Mirror
Refine Your Luck
Seven Secrets Of The Power Of Visualisation
Subconscious Mind Power
The Butterfly Effect
The Key In Detachment
The Mind Is A Radio
The Power Of Intuition
The Secret Of Focus
The Secret Of Non-Judgement
The Strange Secret In Memory
The Subconscious Decides What You See
Tools In Meditation
Using The Power Of Intention
What Makes A Genius
Why Mindset Is Everything


Articles – Miscellaneous

These articles are mostly about the intelligence quotient. They also contain information that do not properly fit into any other articles section.

Genetics In Relation To IQ And Intelligence
Good Places For IQ Tests
IQ Scores And What They Mean
IQ Test Guidelines
Left Versus Right Brain
Mental Health And How To Achieve It

Raw IQ And How It Relates To Genius
The 10 Types Of Intelligence

The Anatomy Of The Brain
The Relevance Of A High IQ
What Does A High IQ Mean?
Why Time Moves So Quickly

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